Kapi Hospital FAQ

All my treatment rooms and sickbeds are filled up. How can I move patients to another room now?
This problem occurs to many new players, but can be solved easily the following way, by:
- referring a patient to another player (possible from level 4 onwards). The patient will leave your waiting room as soon as it has been taken over by the player he/she was referred to.
- offering a patient on the Patient Exchange (Please note: This will cost you a fee of 10% of the demanded price). The patient will leave your waiting room as soon as it has been taken over by another player.
- sending the patient away.
- calling the miracle healer, which is possible up to 5 times per day. The miracle healer will heal the selected patient at once, in exchange for Coins, however.
Please note that you will need a free space in your waiting area or a lounge if you want to refer a patient to another player or offer them on the Patient Exchange!
- referring a patient to another player (possible from level 4 onwards). The patient will leave your waiting room as soon as it has been taken over by the player he/she was referred to.
- offering a patient on the Patient Exchange (Please note: This will cost you a fee of 10% of the demanded price). The patient will leave your waiting room as soon as it has been taken over by another player.
- sending the patient away.
- calling the miracle healer, which is possible up to 5 times per day. The miracle healer will heal the selected patient at once, in exchange for Coins, however.
Please note that you will need a free space in your waiting area or a lounge if you want to refer a patient to another player or offer them on the Patient Exchange!
Can I buy Coins from other players and if so, where?
It is not possible to buy Coins from other players in Kapi Hospital. There are only two ways of acquiring Coins in Kapi Hospital: You can find some underneath the clutter on your hospital floors, or use real money to buy them.
To buy Coins, click on the copper coin on the top menu bar, and a window will open, which will lead you to our payment providers. (Click on "Purchase Coins!" in the left-hand menu, to get there). Depending on the country you come from, simply choose the respective flag (Other EU / Other EU in case your country is not listed there). There are various payment options, from bank transfer to SMS or telephone payment you can use.
But of course, Coins are entirely optional - you can enjoy this game just fine without spending any money!
To buy Coins, click on the copper coin on the top menu bar, and a window will open, which will lead you to our payment providers. (Click on "Purchase Coins!" in the left-hand menu, to get there). Depending on the country you come from, simply choose the respective flag (Other EU / Other EU in case your country is not listed there). There are various payment options, from bank transfer to SMS or telephone payment you can use.
But of course, Coins are entirely optional - you can enjoy this game just fine without spending any money!
Do you have a forum or guides for the game?
We have a forum full of very helpful players here!
If your account is an upjers account linked to the portal, you can simply use your username and password for your game to log in!
How can I increase the number of patients I receive?
There are several ways to receive patients. Depending on your level, you will receive different amounts of free patients per day. If you have enough space in your waiting area, they will sit down on one of the free chairs right away.
If there is not enough space in your waiting area, they will arrive as soon as you have freed a chair.
Regular Patients
Level 4: 6 patients
Level 5: 8 + 2 patients
Level 6: 8 + 3 patients
Level 7: 8 + 3 patients
Level 8: 8 + 4 patients
Level 9: 8 + 4 patients
Level 10: 8 + 5 patients
Level 11: 8 + 5 patients
Level 12: 8 + 6 patients
Level 13: 8 + 6 patients
From level 14 onwards, you will not receive further additional patients, so you will receive 8 + 6 regular patients on all following levels.
Upgrade patients
You will receive these patients in addition to your regular patients, if you improve your rooms and beds by upgrading them. From 12 equipment points onwards, you will always receive one additional patient, so 12, 24, 36, etc...
Certain rooms purchasable at the architect in Fractureford will also give you patients. The Coins you need to invest to purchase those, are applicable to the equipment points.
But there are many other ways to get at patients. Just visit the Forum and consult the FAQ-section "Patients". You can find the forum under:
You will find all the different ways of getting new patients in a concise list right there.
If there is not enough space in your waiting area, they will arrive as soon as you have freed a chair.
Regular Patients
Level 4: 6 patients
Level 5: 8 + 2 patients
Level 6: 8 + 3 patients
Level 7: 8 + 3 patients
Level 8: 8 + 4 patients
Level 9: 8 + 4 patients
Level 10: 8 + 5 patients
Level 11: 8 + 5 patients
Level 12: 8 + 6 patients
Level 13: 8 + 6 patients
From level 14 onwards, you will not receive further additional patients, so you will receive 8 + 6 regular patients on all following levels.
Upgrade patients
You will receive these patients in addition to your regular patients, if you improve your rooms and beds by upgrading them. From 12 equipment points onwards, you will always receive one additional patient, so 12, 24, 36, etc...
Certain rooms purchasable at the architect in Fractureford will also give you patients. The Coins you need to invest to purchase those, are applicable to the equipment points.
But there are many other ways to get at patients. Just visit the Forum and consult the FAQ-section "Patients". You can find the forum under:
You will find all the different ways of getting new patients in a concise list right there.
How can I reallocate my rooms?
You can only move your rooms by tearing them down. But please be careful! If these are regular rooms, removing them will entirely delete them, simply moving them around is not possible.
Only when removing rooms paid for with Coins, such as the lounge, the telephone box, the potted plants, the blueprints will be returned to your shelf. They can then be rebuilt at any time.
Only when removing rooms paid for with Coins, such as the lounge, the telephone box, the potted plants, the blueprints will be returned to your shelf. They can then be rebuilt at any time.
How can I refer a patient?
The patients' medical records contains the option to refer them to a specific player (from level 4 onwards).
After having clicked on the respective icon, enter the name of the player (please mind spaces and spelling in general) you want to refer the patient to, as well as the desired price. Once the transaction has been confirmed, the patient will wait in your waiting area or (if available) in your lounge, and will stay there until he/she is being accepted by your trading-partner or rejected and readmitted by yourself.
There are no points for already completed treatments when referring patients. Also note, that patients can only be taken over, if you are able to treat at least one of their diseases with your current level.
If a patient is referred to you, a red exclamation mark will blink at the card index on the top menu bar. You will be able to look at your referred patients' medical records there, accept or decline them. Clicking the magnifying glass will show you additional information about the patients, such as how many points have already been claimed by the referrer (check Patient Exchange).
Accepted patients will arrive in your waiting area/lounge, declined or withdrawn patients in one of the sender's sickbeds. That's why there might be partially treated patients in your waiting area/lounge. It's not possible to refer your patients from one hospital ward (game world/server) to another, you can only trade with players, who are registered on your ward.
You will find out if one of your patients has been accepted by a respective notification in the system messages.
After having clicked on the respective icon, enter the name of the player (please mind spaces and spelling in general) you want to refer the patient to, as well as the desired price. Once the transaction has been confirmed, the patient will wait in your waiting area or (if available) in your lounge, and will stay there until he/she is being accepted by your trading-partner or rejected and readmitted by yourself.
There are no points for already completed treatments when referring patients. Also note, that patients can only be taken over, if you are able to treat at least one of their diseases with your current level.
If a patient is referred to you, a red exclamation mark will blink at the card index on the top menu bar. You will be able to look at your referred patients' medical records there, accept or decline them. Clicking the magnifying glass will show you additional information about the patients, such as how many points have already been claimed by the referrer (check Patient Exchange).
Accepted patients will arrive in your waiting area/lounge, declined or withdrawn patients in one of the sender's sickbeds. That's why there might be partially treated patients in your waiting area/lounge. It's not possible to refer your patients from one hospital ward (game world/server) to another, you can only trade with players, who are registered on your ward.
You will find out if one of your patients has been accepted by a respective notification in the system messages.
How can I send in-game messages to other players?
First, please click on the message chute, then on the letter marked with a star. If you haven't confirmed your email-address already, please do so via your Profile. In this case you should be seeing a respective alert in your message-area.
If you already confirmed your email-address, then enter the player you would like to contact, a subject title and text now and send off your messages.
Please note, that you can only contact players who are registered on the same hospital ward (game world/server) as you are.
If you already confirmed your email-address, then enter the player you would like to contact, a subject title and text now and send off your messages.
Please note, that you can only contact players who are registered on the same hospital ward (game world/server) as you are.
How can I trade on the Patient Exchange and where can I find it?
You will find the Patient Exchange in Sniffleton.
The Patient Exchange allows you to list the offered patients filtered according to their diseases or your doctors' association.
Click the half-closed circle below, in order to reload the list. If you want to take over a patient, simply select that patient from the list. You will then be asked if you really want to take over the patient for the offered price. Click "Yes" to confirm, and "No" to abort.
The Patient Exchange allows you to offer your patients to other players. On offering a patient, you will have to pay a fee of 10% of the demanded price. In order to offer a patient on the Exchange, you will have to go to your hospital first. Open your patient's medical record and you will see 3 buttons on the bottom:
* The button on the left allows you to completely dismiss the patient.
* The button in the middle allows you to offer the patient on the exchange.
* The button on the right hand side allows you to refer the patient directly to another doctor.
Patients offered on the exchange will get you the points that you, or the colleague who has referred the patient to you, already reached. You can also recall a patient you already offered on the exchange, by clicking on "KILL". The already paid commission of 10% will however not be returned to your account. So please make sure you don't accidentally withdraw a patient!
The patient offered on the Exchange will wait in your waiting area to be called, unless you already built a lounge, in which case the patients will wait there until they are being purchased, thus freeing their spots for new patients in the waiting area.
In order to purchase patients on the exchange, simply click on the button BUY next to the offered price. Diseases that have already been treated, will be marked by a green triangle; these will not bring you any further points. Diseases you cannot treat yet at your current level, will be marked with a red triangle.
After having clicked the BUY-button, a window will open, asking if you really want to purchase the patient. On confirming your choice, you will see if you were fast enough and received the patient, or if another player was faster.
The Patient Exchange allows you to list the offered patients filtered according to their diseases or your doctors' association.
Click the half-closed circle below, in order to reload the list. If you want to take over a patient, simply select that patient from the list. You will then be asked if you really want to take over the patient for the offered price. Click "Yes" to confirm, and "No" to abort.
The Patient Exchange allows you to offer your patients to other players. On offering a patient, you will have to pay a fee of 10% of the demanded price. In order to offer a patient on the Exchange, you will have to go to your hospital first. Open your patient's medical record and you will see 3 buttons on the bottom:
* The button on the left allows you to completely dismiss the patient.
* The button in the middle allows you to offer the patient on the exchange.
* The button on the right hand side allows you to refer the patient directly to another doctor.
Patients offered on the exchange will get you the points that you, or the colleague who has referred the patient to you, already reached. You can also recall a patient you already offered on the exchange, by clicking on "KILL". The already paid commission of 10% will however not be returned to your account. So please make sure you don't accidentally withdraw a patient!
The patient offered on the Exchange will wait in your waiting area to be called, unless you already built a lounge, in which case the patients will wait there until they are being purchased, thus freeing their spots for new patients in the waiting area.
In order to purchase patients on the exchange, simply click on the button BUY next to the offered price. Diseases that have already been treated, will be marked by a green triangle; these will not bring you any further points. Diseases you cannot treat yet at your current level, will be marked with a red triangle.
After having clicked the BUY-button, a window will open, asking if you really want to purchase the patient. On confirming your choice, you will see if you were fast enough and received the patient, or if another player was faster.
I accidentally deactivated the pop-up messages. How do I reactivate them?
Please enter your Profile by clicking on the sculpture of the head in the top menu bar. On the bottom right side you will find a field "Dialogues". Tick the box "show all", and you should be seeing all pop-up-messages again.
You can also click on the medicine bottle between your name tag and the Professor in the top menu bar, in order to see your last actions. These will be saved here until you leave the game or are logged out automatically after 2 hours.
You can also click on the medicine bottle between your name tag and the Professor in the top menu bar, in order to see your last actions. These will be saved here until you leave the game or are logged out automatically after 2 hours.
I bought Coins via PaysafeCard, but they haven't arrived yet.
If the debit wasn't successful, the amount of money is generally credited back to your code; therefore the money should still be on your card.
Please go to www.paysafecard.com
There you can check your credit and verify your turnovers.
Should the amount have been debited from your card, please state your PaysafeCard transaction ID as well as the date of your payment.
Please go to www.paysafecard.com
There you can check your credit and verify your turnovers.
Should the amount have been debited from your card, please state your PaysafeCard transaction ID as well as the date of your payment.
I bought Coins/Diamonds/Dosh/Gold Bars/Cocoa Beans via PaysafeCard, but they haven't arrived yet.
If the debit wasn't successful, the amount of money is generally credited back to your code; therefore the money should still be on your card.
Please go to www.paysafecard.com
There you can check your credit and verify your turnovers.
Should the amount have been debited from your card, please state your PaysafeCard transaction ID as well as the date of your payment.
Please go to www.paysafecard.com
There you can check your credit and verify your turnovers.
Should the amount have been debited from your card, please state your PaysafeCard transaction ID as well as the date of your payment.
I can't find a specific player using the player search, and I can't send him messages or contracts.
All our game servers are entirely independent from each other. That is why it is unfortunately not possible, to transfer an account from one server to another, or trade and communicate between different servers.
You can only trade with players, if they are registered on the same server. If you would like to play on the same server as your friends and/or family or switch for different reasons, they need to register on your server, or you need to register on their server, and start from the beginning. Settings from one server cannot be transferred to another server. If you just want to talk to your friends while you are on-line, you can always do so via the forum as well!
You can only trade with players, if they are registered on the same server. If you would like to play on the same server as your friends and/or family or switch for different reasons, they need to register on your server, or you need to register on their server, and start from the beginning. Settings from one server cannot be transferred to another server. If you just want to talk to your friends while you are on-line, you can always do so via the forum as well!
I can't log into the forum.
Are you sure you're logging into the correct forums?
With the exception of Kapilands and Kapi Regnum, all of our Forums can now be found in the Portal. You can log in here with the same username and password you use for your games!
With the exception of Kapilands and Kapi Regnum, all of our Forums can now be found in the Portal. You can log in here with the same username and password you use for your games!
I cannot find a specific player via the player-search and/or cannot send them any messages.
Please make sure you entered the player's name correctly. Make sure to check your spelling before you click the search button and/or before you send off your message and make sure you haven't added or copied in a superfluous space or that you haven't accidentally turned on your keyboard's caps-lock, for instance.
Is the player even registered on your Hospital Ward? Please mind that all our game servers (hospital wards) are entirely independent from each other. That is why it is unfortunately not possible, to transfer an account from one server to another, or trade and communicate between different servers.
You can only find, contact and trade with players if they are registered on the same server. If you would like to play on the same server as your friends and/or family or switch for different reasons, they need to register on your server, or you need to register on their server, and start from the beginning. Settings from one server cannot be transferred to another server. If you just want to talk to your friends while you are online, you can always do so via the forum as well!
Is the player even registered on your Hospital Ward? Please mind that all our game servers (hospital wards) are entirely independent from each other. That is why it is unfortunately not possible, to transfer an account from one server to another, or trade and communicate between different servers.
You can only find, contact and trade with players if they are registered on the same server. If you would like to play on the same server as your friends and/or family or switch for different reasons, they need to register on your server, or you need to register on their server, and start from the beginning. Settings from one server cannot be transferred to another server. If you just want to talk to your friends while you are online, you can always do so via the forum as well!
I didn't receive the activation mail with my login data.
Please check your spam and junk inbox. Maybe the activation e-mail is hiding there.
If you can't find the e-mail, please state your forum name and date and time of registration in your support request.
You will be sent a new activation e-mail.
If you can't find the e-mail, please state your forum name and date and time of registration in your support request.
You will be sent a new activation e-mail.
I forgot on which server my account is registered.
If you saved your registration mail, this is no problem at all. Aside from your login data, it also contains the server info.
If you didn't save the registration mail, you can use the "Password forgotten?" function on every server. Along with the new password, you will be sent your server and the login data via e-mail. You can also try to log in on every server using the trial-and-error method until you have found your game server. Unfortunately, there is no other option.
If all that fails, you can still contact support to see if they might be able to help.
Keep in mind that in some of our older games, game accounts may be deleted after 180 days of inactivity.
If you didn't save the registration mail, you can use the "Password forgotten?" function on every server. Along with the new password, you will be sent your server and the login data via e-mail. You can also try to log in on every server using the trial-and-error method until you have found your game server. Unfortunately, there is no other option.
If all that fails, you can still contact support to see if they might be able to help.
Keep in mind that in some of our older games, game accounts may be deleted after 180 days of inactivity.
I have a valid premium account, but still have to buy bus tickets to get to Fractureford.
Did you already purchase a vehicle at the car-dealer in Fractureford?
Only if you have your own car, you'll be able to get to Fractureford at any time, without taking the bus. If you check out the info at the bus-stop in Sniffleton, you will also see a Flyer of the car-dealer at the left-hand-side. This allows you to get to him directly, if you want to purchase a car.
Only if you have your own car, you'll be able to get to Fractureford at any time, without taking the bus. If you check out the info at the bus-stop in Sniffleton, you will also see a Flyer of the car-dealer at the left-hand-side. This allows you to get to him directly, if you want to purchase a car.
I have transferred money via bank transfer in order to receive Coins. When will I get them?
Unfortunately we have no way of influencing the time the credit institutes take to process a transaction. This may take up to 3-5 working days, even if the money has been booked directly from your account, even longer in case of international transactions (our company seat is, as you may know, in Germany).
We generally credit all transfers the day they arrive on our account. Maybe your transactions is among today's arrivals. Should you have to wait longer than 10 working days until the Coins have been credited to your account, please check your entries, and contact us again, if you are certain you have used the correct data.
In this case please let us know the "reason for transfer" you have given in your bank transaction form, your User ID, the account holder's name and time/date of transaction.
We generally credit all transfers the day they arrive on our account. Maybe your transactions is among today's arrivals. Should you have to wait longer than 10 working days until the Coins have been credited to your account, please check your entries, and contact us again, if you are certain you have used the correct data.
In this case please let us know the "reason for transfer" you have given in your bank transaction form, your User ID, the account holder's name and time/date of transaction.
I have transferred money via bank transfer in order to receive Coins/Diamonds/Cocoa Beans. When will I get them?
Unfortunately we have no way of influencing the time the credit institutes take to process a transaction. This may take up to 3-5 working days, even if the money has been booked directly from your account, even longer in case of international transactions (our company seat is, as you may know, in Germany).
We generally credit all transfers the day they arrive on our account. Maybe your transactions is among today's arrivals. Should you have to wait longer than 10 working days until the Coins have been credited to your account, please check your entries, and contact us again, if you are certain you have used the correct data.
In this case please let us know the "reason for transfer" you have given in your bank transaction form, your User ID, the account holder's name and time/date of transaction.
We generally credit all transfers the day they arrive on our account. Maybe your transactions is among today's arrivals. Should you have to wait longer than 10 working days until the Coins have been credited to your account, please check your entries, and contact us again, if you are certain you have used the correct data.
In this case please let us know the "reason for transfer" you have given in your bank transaction form, your User ID, the account holder's name and time/date of transaction.
I linked my game account to the Portal, but now I can't log in anymore!
Once you have connected an account to the Portal, you will need to use your Portal account information to log into your individual games, if you opt to log into them from their launch pages. Of course, you can easily log in via the "My Games" tab.
Some of our older games will require you to click a little portal button to use your Portal information to log in.
Some of our older games will require you to click a little portal button to use your Portal information to log in.
I wanted to buy Coins/Diamonds/Dosh/Gold Bars/Cocoa Beans via debit (Webbilling), but I could not understand the voice on the phone.
If you didn't enter a PIN, your money wasn't debited. You can simply begin the payment process over.
I would like to delete my forum account.
Forum accounts are now directly tied into your Portal account; the two cannot be separated, and therefore, it's impossible to delete just your forum account.
I would like to delete my forum account.
The Forums are directly tied to the Portal; therefore, it isn't possible to delete just your forum account.
I would like to link an older game account to the Portal. How can I do that?
If you have a Portal account, any new game accounts you create will automatically be connected to the Portal. However, if you have an older account that isn't connected to the Portal yet, you can do that after the fact.
Just go to the "My Games" tab in the Portal.

You'll see a little "Link Existing Accounts" tab over the box with your games. Click on that.

Choose the game you would like to link an account from, and click on it. Enter your server and log-in information, and BAM, it's connected!
Please note: Sometimes difficulties arise if you have deleted Kapi Hospital/My Free Farm accounts and then try to link a new account. Contact support if this occurs!
Just go to the "My Games" tab in the Portal.

You'll see a little "Link Existing Accounts" tab over the box with your games. Click on that.

Choose the game you would like to link an account from, and click on it. Enter your server and log-in information, and BAM, it's connected!
Please note: Sometimes difficulties arise if you have deleted Kapi Hospital/My Free Farm accounts and then try to link a new account. Contact support if this occurs!
I would like to transfer my account to another server.
You can of course register on another game server any time. Since our game servers are not connected, however, it is impossible to transfer accounts from one server to another. If you would like to play on another server, you need to register on that one separately.
You can close your current account or keep it, as you like. Coins, points and in-game money can unfortunately not be transferred.
You can close your current account or keep it, as you like. Coins, points and in-game money can unfortunately not be transferred.
Is the game good?
Yes, it's fantastic! We're sure you will enjoy it.
My account was reset to level 1! Where is my saved game?
Accounts do not get reset on their own. There are three reasons your account may appear reset:
- You deleted your account via the Game Settings/Profile (this is pretty rare)
- You are playing on the wrong server
- You accidentally changed the language
- Make sure that you're playing the game in the right language. Our games do not switch languages - each language is hosted on a different server, and if you change the language, you'll begin playing a completely new account. Some of the more bilingual among us might not even notice.
You can find the dropdown to change languages in the top right corner of the screen:
- A lot of our games have several game servers - make sure that you try all of them before you panic
My forum account has been banned.
If you have violated the forum rules on various occasions, you have probably been warned by one of our forum moderators already, and are now banned.
Should you not have received a warning from a moderator, you may have been blocked immediately because you have extremely violated the forum rules.
The reason and the length of your ban will be displayed when you log in.
Should neither of those things apply, please state your forum name as well as your email address in your support request; we will then examine your case.
Should you not have received a warning from a moderator, you may have been blocked immediately because you have extremely violated the forum rules.
The reason and the length of your ban will be displayed when you log in.
Should neither of those things apply, please state your forum name as well as your email address in your support request; we will then examine your case.
My moped/car is gone.
Premium features are only available as long as you have a Premium Account. When your premium account runs out, they are no longer accessible. But they won't disappear entirely. As soon as you reactivate your Premium Account again (doesn't matter when, it can be one day, or one month after it has run out), all of your premium features (such as an additional floor your cars) will be available again.
Items you bought with Coins are independent from your Premium Account; they will always be available after you have purchased them.
Items you bought with Coins are independent from your Premium Account; they will always be available after you have purchased them.
The time display in the forum is incorrect after the switch of the daylight savings time.
Go to your "User Control Panel" in the forum and click on "Board preferences".
You can switch DST by ticking "Yes" or "No" respectively in the menu item "Summer Time/DST is in effect".
You can switch DST by ticking "Yes" or "No" respectively in the menu item "Summer Time/DST is in effect".
There are several players in our household, is there anything we need to look out for?
Please always mind the following rule:
In order to ensure that all our players have the same chances within the game, all trades between players using the same internet connection (at home, at work, etc.) are expressly forbidden. We cannot make any exceptions here.
Of course it is always possible, that friends, colleagues and family members using the same internet connection are registered on the same server. So we can differentiate these PC-user-communities from cheaters, it is unfortunately adamant that everyone sticks to this general rule.
If you do this, you can play on the same server without any problems. And let's face it, there really are plenty of other players that you can trade with as well.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and keep having fun playing!
In order to ensure that all our players have the same chances within the game, all trades between players using the same internet connection (at home, at work, etc.) are expressly forbidden. We cannot make any exceptions here.
Of course it is always possible, that friends, colleagues and family members using the same internet connection are registered on the same server. So we can differentiate these PC-user-communities from cheaters, it is unfortunately adamant that everyone sticks to this general rule.
If you do this, you can play on the same server without any problems. And let's face it, there really are plenty of other players that you can trade with as well.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and keep having fun playing!
There are several players in our household, is there anything we need to look out for?
Please always follow this essential rule:
In order to ensure that all our players have the same chances within the game, all trades between players using the same internet connection (at home, at work, etc.) are expressly forbidden. We cannot make any exceptions here.
Of course it is always possible, that friends, colleagues and family members using the same internet connection are registered on the same server. In order to differentiate between these PC-user-communities and cheaters, it is unfortunately necessary that everyone sticks to this general rule.
If you do this, you can play on the same server without any problems. And let's face it, there really are plenty of other players that you can trade with as well.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and keep having fun playing!
In order to ensure that all our players have the same chances within the game, all trades between players using the same internet connection (at home, at work, etc.) are expressly forbidden. We cannot make any exceptions here.
Of course it is always possible, that friends, colleagues and family members using the same internet connection are registered on the same server. In order to differentiate between these PC-user-communities and cheaters, it is unfortunately necessary that everyone sticks to this general rule.
If you do this, you can play on the same server without any problems. And let's face it, there really are plenty of other players that you can trade with as well.
Thanks a lot for your understanding and keep having fun playing!
What do I need equipment points for?
You will receive equipment points for upgrading your rooms, which in turn will get you more patients. You will receive these patients in addition to your regular patients, if you improve your rooms and beds by upgrading them. On having reached 12 equipment points, you will receive 1 additional patient; from then onwards, you will receive one new patient every 12 points, so at 24 points, 36 points, and so forth.
For further info on how to get new patients, just visit the Forum and read the FAQ-section on rooms.
For further info on how to get new patients, just visit the Forum and read the FAQ-section on rooms.
Where can I buy Coins using in-game money?
Unfortunately it is not possible to buy Coins with in-game money in Kapi Hospital. There are only two way of getting Coins in here: You can either find some of them underneath the clutter on your hospital floors, when cleaning your hospital, or participate at campaigns on the Forum for instance.
The other option is to use real money. Click on the copper coin on the top menu bar, and a window will open, which will lead you to our payment providers. (Click on "Purchase Coins!" in the left-hand menu, to get there). Depending on the country you come from, simply choose the respective flag (Other EU / Other EU in case your country is not listed there). There are various payment options, from bank transfer to SMS or telephone payment you can use.
Of course you also can enjoy this game without Coins!
The other option is to use real money. Click on the copper coin on the top menu bar, and a window will open, which will lead you to our payment providers. (Click on "Purchase Coins!" in the left-hand menu, to get there). Depending on the country you come from, simply choose the respective flag (Other EU / Other EU in case your country is not listed there). There are various payment options, from bank transfer to SMS or telephone payment you can use.
Of course you also can enjoy this game without Coins!
Where can I get a new sickbed?
You can buy new sickbeds at the Architect's in Fractureford for 150 hT per bed.
To take the bus to Fractureford, click on the bus stop and buy a ticket on the left-hand side menu. You can see how many tickets you currently have on the top left-hand side. Click the map on the right-hand side to use one of your tickets.
Once validated, a ticket is always valid until the end of the day. You are given 3 free tickets at the start of the game, but you will have to purchase any further tickets yourself. On Wednesdays and Saturdays you can travel to Fractureford free of charge, by the way!
If you have a valid Premium Account, you can also purchase a flashy car at the car-dealer in Fractureford, allowing you to travel there without needing to take the bus at any time.
To take the bus to Fractureford, click on the bus stop and buy a ticket on the left-hand side menu. You can see how many tickets you currently have on the top left-hand side. Click the map on the right-hand side to use one of your tickets.
Once validated, a ticket is always valid until the end of the day. You are given 3 free tickets at the start of the game, but you will have to purchase any further tickets yourself. On Wednesdays and Saturdays you can travel to Fractureford free of charge, by the way!
If you have a valid Premium Account, you can also purchase a flashy car at the car-dealer in Fractureford, allowing you to travel there without needing to take the bus at any time.
Why am I on the black list?
Being on the black list just means that you can't receive e-mails from us anymore (with the exception of support e-mails). Usually, you wind up on there because you unsubscribed from our newsletters or other mails, but you can also end up on our blacklist by marking our e-mails as spam or not being able to receive e-mails (for instance, if your inbox is over capacity).
If you would like to be removed from our blacklist, all you need to do is explicitly ask us to do so (something like "Please remove my e-mail address (xxx@xxx.com) from the black list.")
If you would like to be removed from our blacklist, all you need to do is explicitly ask us to do so (something like "Please remove my e-mail address (xxx@xxx.com) from the black list.")
Why can't I log into my account?
There are a couple of reasons why you might have trouble logging into your account. Here are several possible solutions for your problem:
If you are still unable to connect to the game, please contact us again, if possible, by giving us the exact error message you receive when trying to log in!
- Are you sure that you have chosen the right server? You need to choose the server you registered on, if you want to log into the game. If you are unsure which server you are registered on, please check your registration confirmation mail. Please also note that our game is available in several languages. So please make sure that really have selected the US-American version, or that you indeed are registered on the US-American version.
- If you are certain that you have chosen the correct URL and server, please verify that
you have entered your login name and password correctly. There should be no unnecessary spaces. These may have been added accidentally, if you have copy/pasted the password.
Also note that the password is case-sensitive. So please check that you haven't accidentally turned on your key lock. - In case forgot your password, please use the option "forgot password", and you'll automatically be sent a new one. Use that one, to connect to the game. You can later on change it in your in-game Profile. If you don't receive the email with your new password, please check your Spam-Folder.
- Please also note that your login name may differ from your user name (depending on the game you are registered on). Your user name is the name that is displayed within the game, in order to connect to the game, you need to use the login-name.
- We also run nightly backups some time between 2 and 5 am CET/CEST (Central European (Summer) Time). If you're experiencing issues at that time of day, it's likely they are just temporary. Try again a bit later!
If you are still unable to connect to the game, please contact us again, if possible, by giving us the exact error message you receive when trying to log in!